
Dyslexia is a word of Greek origin which literally means ‘difficulties with words’. It can manifest itself in many different ways but dyslexic people often struggle with reading, writing, and spelling or a combination of all three. We now know that many of these difficulties come from differences in the way that the dyslexic brain works, particularly in the field of memory and processing. Dyslexics have different strengths and weaknesses and there are also varying degrees of dyslexia, ranging from mild to severe. Dyslexics do not continuously make the same mistakes when reading and writing but can have good and bad days. As a dyslexic, your performance can also be affected by tiredness, illness or stress. Many dyslexics also experience speech and language, maths, co-ordination, memory and concentration difficulties.

How Can I Help?

I conduct handwriting, reading, spelling and writing assessments in order to precisely pinpoint those areas where help is needed including memory and processing speeds. I use this information to suggest ways in which literacy skills can be developed.

What next?

Please get in touch with us for a no obligation discussion to go over your options and to arrange an assessment if required: