Dyslexia and Maths - Dyscalculia

As a dyslexic, you may encounter difficulties in mathematics. In the last 10 years the definition of dyslexia has been expanded to include Maths. You may find understanding mathematical concepts difficult, recalling timetables can be challenging, or you may be baffled by the concept of fractions and getting to grips with ideas like the 24 hours clock.

How Can I Help?

With the right teaching dyslexic can become successful mathematicians. At Dyslexiam, you will be assessed to find out exactly what areas of Maths you are finding challenging. Assessments on memory and visual processing are also conducted to understand how each person’s brain works and how they can be helped.

What next?

Please get in touch with us for a no obligation discussion to go over your options and to arrange an assessment if required: