Independent Dyslexia Assessments

How it works

Recent research has shown that with access to a specialist teacher for just an hour a week, dyslexics can make huge leaps forward in their learning. Anyone with specific learning difficulties, be they an adult or a child, is unique and will experience different challenges in life. In order to understand and pinpoint your difficulties and strengths it is important to undertake the correct type of assessment. Before beginning any assessment, we will ask you to fill out a questionnaire which guides us in the selection of the right assessments. At Dyslexiam we offer a range of assessment packages to suit all ages and needs.

Following your assessment a written recommendation is undertaken, tailored to your individual needs. We endeavour to complete reports within two weeks of the final assessment - so you are not kept waiting. Importantly, included in all our assessment fees is time to talk before and after assessments.

How much does it cost?

  • Initial Screening Assessment - £60
  • Access Arrangement Assessment - £130 to £200
  • Diagnostic Assessment - £250 to £350
  • Work Place Needs Assessment - £250 to £350
  • Diagnostic Assessment for a Disability Support Allowance (DSA) £300-£450
  • Tutoring - £27 per hour

What next?

Please get in touch with us for a no obligation discussion to go over your options and to arrange an assessment if required: