Dyspraxia or Developmental Co-ordination Disorder, DCD

This is a disorder affecting fine or gross motor co-ordination in both children and adults. Dyspraxia can manifest itself in differing ways and its effects can change over time as new life experiences present differing challenges. Children may demonstrate difficulties with writing, catching a ball and learning to ride a bike. In adulthood difficulties may be encountered when learning new skills at home, in education and work situations: for example learning to drive a car or writing a report. Dyspraxia can also affect articulation and speech, perception and thought.

How Can I Help?

Alongside qualifications in the field of dyslexia, I am also a qualified fitness instructor and hold a P.E diploma. I have also studied with Amanda Kirby and Madeline Portwood - experts in the field of Dyspraxia. Over the years, I have successfully helped many people with dyspraxia overcome their difficulties. Initial assessments are conducted, and using this information, I write individual intervention programs to help address fine and gross motor difficulties.

What next?

Please get in touch with us for a no obligation discussion to go over your options and to arrange an assessment if required: