Do you think you or your child may be dyslexic?

You are not alone… let us reassure you:

How can dyslexiam help you?
We offer the following:

  • A range of assessments, depending on your age and individual needs.
  • Guidance and recommendations for individuals and parents.
  • Staff training and support for teachers in educational institutions.
  • One to one teaching to improve literacy (reading, spelling and grammar skills); see understanding dyslexia.
  • One to one teaching to improve Maths.
  • One to one teaching to improve movement.
  • Help with revision, exam and essay techniques.
  • Help to get support and extra time in exams.

Dyslexia can manifest itself in a number of different ways but primarily affects the ability to read and spell. Dyslexia frequently runs in families and stems from difficulty in processing the sounds in words. However, research has shown that given the right intervention, dyslexics can make huge strides in improving their learning capabilities.

Our assessments and tutoring programmes are delivered by Kim Smith, an experienced specialist literacy teacher accredited with AMBDA from the British Dyslexia Association (BDA). Find out more about Kim’s work.